LOOKING FOR SALES WRITING THAT ACTUALLY SELLS? A WEBSITE THAT IMPRESSES BOTH HUMANS AND SEARCH ENGINES? I combine marketing know-how with creative flair to produce original content custom-tailored to your product or service. Readers trust and respond to my style - none of the annoying hype infecting so much copy writing these days. I turn complexity into plain English and craft your cool ideas into cutting-edge copy. My business clients include Donald Trump's Trump University, Washington State Department of Parks and Recreation, and more than seventy Internet marketers, entrepreneurs, and organizations.
LOOKING FOR AN EDITOR, PROOFREADER, OR WRITING COACH? I've ghostwritten and edited dozens of titles for publishing houses and for private authors. Clients include New World Library, Raven Tree Press, Elderberry Press, Digital Science Fiction, and bestselling author Les Hewitt. One of my clients just won first place in a writing contest sponsored by the world's top publisher of self-help books - I crafted the winning book proposal and edited the chapters that won her a book deal. I'll help you craft your own winning book proposal and give your manuscript the high-luster polish it needs to succeed in the marketplace.