Dale L. Sims / Advertising Copywriter in Grand Rapids, Michigan

Pump Fresh Health Into Your Advertising…And Budget

Do you flip a coin when making advertising placement decisions?

No, you don’t. You want to boost your firm’s sales and profits, not the opposite.

Sometimes, however, trying a new copywriter to jumpstart your marketing can be like flipping a coin. And you don’t need any more uncertainty than you already have.

The solution is getting an innovative yet affordable copywriter who can convert your prospects into cash-waving buyers over the internet, in print ads, and through the mail…

…A flexible copywriter who knows people will do anything for you—pay you any price—if in your sales copy you…

• Encourage their dreams
• Allay their fears
• Confirm their suspicions
• Justify their failures
• Throw rocks at their enemies

And because I believe I’m that copywriter, I’m posting this to ask you to use my skills to produce riveting copy for you. Copy that punches your customers’ emotional hot buttons—compelling them to buy, inquire, or subscribe.

Sound like product puffery? Not at all. Not only am I a direct response copywriter specializing in the self-help and small business markets, I’m also the marketing coordinator/health consultant for Healthy Design, a small marketing company in Cadillac, Mich. I also have over 12 years of experience as a reporter, editor, and radio ad sales rep.

As a freelancer, as well as at Healthy Design, my expertise is compelling my readers to buy products or services before they even get to a website or store.

As a results-oriented copywriter, I know how to move prospects into becoming your paying customers (not your competitor’s).

Whether you need lead-generation copy, or buy-off-the-page copy, whether you need a calm advertorial approach or a no-holds barred, hard-sell frontal attack—you will receive copy that talks directly and urgently to your customers in a voice that’s conversational and persuasive.

Don’t wait; contact me now. I look forward to increasing your sales, response rates, and ROI.


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